Cowbridge Comprehensive School, Aberthin Road, Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan, CF71 7EN |

tel: 01446 772311 | email:

Admissions Primary

Education, Inspiration and opportunities for life
Cowbridge School - Towards a School for Life!  

Croeso cynnes!

Cowbridge School is realising its vision and becoming a school for life! It has been our aspiration for some years to embrace the whole age-range and, in September 2023, we will open as a 3-19 school, offering state of the art facilities and provision for the younger children of our community. From September 2023, we will begin early years education, gradually growing to a school for life over the following 5-6 years. We will eventually offer wrap-around care before and after-school; nursery provision; and, early years provision - right through to preparation for university and life-long learning.

We have high aspirations for all our children and young people and want them to be challenged and inspired to flourish in all that they do. Our early years educational values will embody our vision that children are ready, respectful, safe and responsible for life. These values underpin all that we do across all ages within and beyond the school gates.

Our philosophy at Cowbridge is for all to dream big and then bigger again! We are delighted and excited that the Vale of Glamorgan Local Authority has entrusted us with educating the younger children of our community, in addition to our secondary-age students; we will now be in a position to work together in the best interests of the whole school community. Our best students at secondary school will regularly help out with a whole range of activities from reading support; peer mentoring; language acquisition - in a number of languages; joint charity days; performing arts activities; school council; and more! Whether it’s fitness, sport, music, performance, science, or healthy cooking, there will be provision for every passion!

Please see link below for the most up-to-date information regarding the opening of the School.
CPP-Notification Letter for Delayed Implementation Date

Cofion Cynnes
Mrs Thomas
Executive Headteacher


Twitter & Instagram
For further updates and more information, please follow us on Twitter @cowbridgecs and on Instagram cowbridge_school 
Any further enquiries, don’t hesitate to contact us on the following email;